Tuesday 22nd – Thursday 24th July, 2025 Gimuy Walubarra Yidinji and Yirrganydji Country in tropical Cairns
Securing Australia’s Future by Driving Northern Development
A strong North means a strong nation…
Northern Australia is a place of extremes, beauty and opportunity. From the red dirt of the desert to the tropical rainforests and arid savannahs, it’s a place where people, nature and culture thrive.
The vast majority of land and sea country is under First Nations rights, and some of the greatest natural resources on the planet are located in the north. Development aspirations need to be inclusive, sustainable and ultimately support the wellbeing of people and places.
The Developing Northern Australia Conference brings together talent from across the north with industry, government and investors to explore sectors of greatest opportunity and learn more about doing business north of the Tropic of Capricorn.
Join us on Gimuy Walubarra Yidinji and Yirrganydji Country in tropical Cairns, 22 to 24 July 2025 to progress a balanced and sustainable development of Northern Australia.
DNAC 2025 Location
This year we're bringing DNAC to Gimuy Walubarra Yidinji and Yirrganydji Country in tropical Cairns
Nestled amidst the only place where two natural World Heritage sites meet, the world’s oldest rainforest meeting the Great Barrier Reef, Cairns offers a unique and serene backdrop for both professional growth and personal relaxation. Why not create a team escape around this year’s DNAC (or plan a personal holiday before or after the conference)! Picture yourself engaging in insightful discussions, workshop, and networking sessions during the day, while the evenings are reserved for exploring the vibrant local culture and enjoying the region's natural wonders.
A successful Northern Australia
- To conceptualise and strategise the three priority areas that have been set for the next five-year Northern Australia Action Plan: human capital, enabling infrastructure, and economic development and diversification.
- To give a platform for individuals, policy makers, decision makers and businesses to gather in the one place and work together to create a strong and sustainable North - now, and in the future.
- To share best practices, explore innovative concepts and facilitate meaningful connections to transform sector collaboration and communication.
- To provide real solutions with applicable takeaways for all stakeholders as we walk into an exciting, yet challenging future for the region.
- Does this sound like you?
- Is Developing Northern Australia for me?
- What will I gain from attending DNAC?
- The fun stuff
Here’s a snapshot of delegates you can connect with at DNAC
DNAC brings together Northern Australian businesses, industry, government and communities in the same space to discuss the important issues facing us all. Typically, we see delegates range from:
- Managers and Departments Heads of Federal, State and Local Governments.
- CEO, Leaders and Managers.
- Indigenous Community Corporations and Leaders.
- Local small business leaders and local industry associations.
- Members from Chambers of business and commerce.
- Non-government funded and government-funded bodies.
- Leaders in both government departments and private sector industries attend, including:
Infrastructure and Trade
Mining and Resources
Tourism and Fisheries
International relations
Development Commissions
Regional Development
Planning and Environment
Jobs and Employment
Housing and Water Management
Education, Health and Aged Care
Yes! DNAC is for you if you’re looking for…
- Unmatched networking with the very leaders and stakeholders in government, community and business who drive strategy and direction in Northern Australia. You won’t find these connections and conversations anywhere else.
- Up-to-date research and information on how we can make the North stronger and more cohesive.
- Honest conversations around the strategic direction of the North, and what needs to happen now and in the future to see the vision fulfilled.
Content you can’t find anywhere else – Networking you can’t find anywhere else!
At DNAC25 you will gain invaluable insights into a wide range of topics aimed at reshaping the future of Northern Australia.
Explore the potential of Indigenous-led development and partnerships, focusing on nation-building, self-determination, and local leadership.
There will be discussions on the role of universities in supporting Indigenous communities and advancing self-determination, alongside the importance of inclusive leadership, role models, and cross-departmental participation in the Northern Australia Action Plan.
Key themes also include the governance of Northern Australia, with sessions on re-wiring governance systems, driving investment in infrastructure, and shaping a dynamic workforce through education and migration strategies.
Join the discussion on how Indigenous communities can lead in the global arena through diplomacy and trade, while also addressing environmental sustainability, with an emphasis on nature-positive investments and decarbonization.
DNAC will highlight opportunities in defense, biosecurity, and regional cooperation, alongside strategies for enhancing health outcomes and building resilient healthcare systems. Through collaborative sessions, delegates will gain the tools, strategies, and networks to drive sustainable growth and development in Northern Australia, ensuring a future where all communities thrive.
As well as this, you will receive:
- Access to conference app
- Printed conference materials
- Over 10 hours towards CPD points
- Your personalised certificate of attendance
Have a break away from your inbox + the fun stuff
Get ready to enjoy:
- An exclusive welcome networking function with drinks, canapes and entertainment
- Full day conference catering package
- A special gift for returning delegates
- The chance to win awesome prizes
- Other fun things for all delegates
Keynote Speakers
Day 2

Day 3

Chief Executive Officer, NAILSMA

Join us at DNAC and connect with the people leading the charge for a strong, connected, thriving Northern Australia.
What we’ll cover at DNAC25
Securing Australia’s Future by Driving Northern Development
Beyond the Referendum: First Nations Leadership in Reshaping the North’s Future
- Indigenous Led Development and Equity Partnerships
- Nation Building and Local Indigenous Leadership
- From Securing Rights to Empowering Traditional Owner Aspirations
- Land and Sea Management and the Nature Positive Economy
- Universities Supporting Indigenous Self Determination
- A Global Lead From First Nations Diplomacy
Towards a Northern Australian Population and Workforce Strategy
- Nurturing Education and Shaping a Dynamic Workforce Within the North
- Indigenous Pathways to Education for Self Determination
- Maintaining Services and Growing Liveability
- Shaping Migration Momentum for a Dynamic Future
- Driving Investment in Regional Housing
Nature Positive and Decarbonised Investment in Northern Australia
- What Decarbonisation and Nature Positive Looks Like in Northern Australia
- The Potential of Global Nature Positive, Carbon, Renewable Energy and Social Impact Markets
- Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act Reforms and the North
- Integrated Regional and Bio-regional Planning and Development Assessment
- Getting Northern Australia’s Energy Roadmap Right
- Climate Resilience for Northern Australian Industries and Communities
Defence, Biosecurity and Regional Cooperation
- Geostrategic Context, Global Trends and Implications for the North
- Regional Economic Cooperation Across Northern Australia and the Indo-Pacific
- Redefining the Northern Narrative Through Tourism and Trade
- Defence Investment and Business Opportunities in Northern Australia
- Sovereign Capability, Food and Water Security and Resilient Supply Chains
Tourism, Small Business, Manufacturing and Sovereign Capability in Northern Australia
- Tourism Strategy for a Changing Market: Sustainability and Experiential Tourism
- Small to Medium Business Development and Innovation
- Facilitating Change for Agricultural Development and Northern Supply Chains
- Maximising Opportunities Through Manufacturing to Supply Emerging Sectors
- What Are Special Investment Zones and Do We Need Them?
- Connecting East to West: Transport and Digital Connectivity Across the North
Health and Wellbeing: Our People and Places
- Community Voices: Co-Designing Healthcare Systems for Lasting Impact
Health Workforce Resilience: Education, Retention, and Remote Training - Public and Private Sector Innovation: Driving Solutions in Regional and Remote Healthcare
- Building Trust for Better Health: Strengthening Indigenous-Health Partnerships
- The Unique Opportunity of Tropical Medicine
- Community Voices: Co-Designing Healthcare Systems for Lasting Impact
Governing Differently for Different Results
- Re-wiring Northern Australia’s Governance System
- Governing for Northern Australia’s Infrastructure Foundations and Investment Pipeline
- Attracting Investment for Research, Development and Innovation
- Inclusive Leadership, Role Models and Ambassadors
- How Can QLD, NT and WA Drive the Developing Northern Australia Agenda
The DNAC Committee

Belinda Carlson
Creative Content, Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA)

John Coyne
Head of Northern Australia Strategic Policy Centre, Australian Strategic Policy Institute

Prof. Hurriyet Babacan
Professorial Fellow, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University; Chair Regional Development Australia, Tropical North

Tahna Jackson
Environmental Project Officer. Northern Territory Farmers Association (Based in QLD)

Sarah Whelan
Chief Executive Officer, Karratha & Districts Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KDCCI)

Andrew Baylis
A/Senior Executive Director, Industry Development & Corporate, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, NT Government

Jason Kidd
Deputy Director-General, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development

Amy Savage
Manager - Economic Development, Department of State Development and Infrastructure

Nerida Horner
Manager Ord, Industry and Economic Development, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Register Now
$ 1,349 + GST
- All keynote presentations
- All concurrent presentations
- Discounted accommodation rates
- Access to conference app
- Full day conference catering package
- Access to the exclusive DNAC networking function
- Printed conference materials
- Over 10 hours towards CPD points
- Your personalised certificate of attendance
- Exposure for your organisation
- Plus, chances to win great prizes!
* Tours and dinner are an additional cost.
Program at a Glance
Get ready! The official 2025 Developing Northern Australia Conference Program will be unveiled on Thursday, 10 April. In the meantime, here’s an exclusive sneak peek at what’s in store!
Conference Program and Timings are subject to change.
Tuesday 22 July 2025
8:00am – 11:30am
Pre-Conference Tours
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Registration and Exhibition Opens
1:00pm – 1:30pm
Welcome and Official Opening
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Opening Keynote Session
3:00pm – 3:30pm
Afternoon Tea, Exhibition Open & Networking
3:30pm – 5:30pm
Afternoon Keynote Session
5:30pm – 6:30pm
Welcome Networking Event
Wednesday 23 July 2025
Registration and Exhibition Opens
8:30am – 8:40am
Welcome to Day 2
8:40am – 10:30am
Keynote Presentations
10:30am – 11:00am
Morning Tea, Exhibition Open & Networking
11:00am – 12:30pm
Concurrent and workshop presentations across a variety of topics to choose from!
12:30pm – 1:30pm
Lunch, Exhibition Open & Networking
1:30pm – 2:45pm
Select from 15 concurrent presentations across five streams of conference topics.
2:45pm – 3:15pm
Afternoon Tea, Exhibition Open & Networking
3:15pm – 4:30pm
Afternoon session of concurrent presentations.
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Free time to get fancy for the Conference Dinner!
5:30pm – 6:00pm
Transfers to Conference Dinner
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Conference Dinner, sponsored by NAUA
Thursday 24 July 2025
Registration and Exhibition Opens
8:30am – 8:40am
Welcome to Day 3
8:40am – 10:00am
Morning Keynote Session
10:00am – 10:30am
Morning Tea, Exhibition Open & Networking
10:30am – 12:00pm
Concurrent and workshop presentations across a variety of topics to choose from!
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Lunch, Exhibition Open & Networking
1:00pm – 2:30pm
Closing Keynote Session
What People are Saying
“Overall, an excellent conference. My first time attending and so refreshing (typically I have attended very technical conferences). My attention was maintained, I felt like everything I attended was of interest and I had the knowledge and strategic 'literacy' to understand and value the conversations. Loved it!”
“Great topics and speakers, session breakouts, venue, networking opportunities & location”.
“Such a well-curated and crafted program, exploring a broad range of issues. The opportunity for a someone as curious as myself to listen and learn was invaluable”.
“It offered a great variety of speakers and subjects, in both long and short sessions. Really appreciated the diverse offerings - helps to keep things interesting over the two and a half days”.
“Excellent topics. Thought provoking. Interesting to see the evolution of topics over the years”.
“Good variety of topics and speakers. Reasonable opportunities to meet and discuss with others. Attracts very high quality delegates as well as speakers”.
“The whole conference was very insightful. It would have been great to have more health presentations”.
“Lots of great networking opportunities and thoughtful discussions”.
DNAC 2025 will be held at:
Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns QLD
Pullman Cairns International
Classic City Mountain View Room (Twin) | $260 |
Classic City Mountain View Room with breakfast for one (Twin) | $288 |
Classic City Mountain View Room with breakfast for two (Twin) | $316 |
Classic City Mountain View Room (King) | $260 |
Classic City Mountain View Room with breakfast for one (King) | $288 |
Classic City Mountain View Room with breakfast for two (King) | $316 |
Classic City Harbour View Room (Twin) | $260 |
Classic City Harbour View Room with breakfast for one (Twin) | $288 |
Classic City Harbour View Room with breakfast for two (Twin) | $316 |
Superior City Harbour View Room (King) | $290 |
Superior City Harbour View Room with breakfast for one (King) | $318 |
Superior City Harbour View Room with breakfast for two (King) | $346 |
Crystalbrook Flynn
Urban Room | $315 |
Urban Room with breakfast for one | $353 |
Urban Room with breakfast for two | $391 |
Get In Touch