The DNA Committee
Committee Profile
Andrew Baylis
A/Senior Executive Director, Industry Development & Corporate, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, NT Government
Andrew Baylis is the Acting Senior Executive Director Industry Development & Corporate at Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Northern Territory Government.
Andrew has more than two decades of experience in the Territory Government, with a career spanning policy development, economic insights and senior positions in Department of Treasury & Finance, Justice and Chief Minister & Cabinet, before joining the Agriculture portfolio in 2022.
In his current role Andrew is responsible for helping to facilitate diversification of agricultural land and activities that support responsible and sustainable development, including Aboriginal-led economic development aspirations, promote new investment and project facilitation for agribusiness enterprises and facilitate export market development. With previous responsibility for department-run research farms, Andrew also helps to enable a coordinated and integrated research agenda that supports innovation in agribusiness.
As a long term Territorian, Andrew is invested in driving positive, diverse and tangible outcomes that benefit all Territorians.