Why the DNA Conference is Your Ticket to Networking Success

Why the DNA Conference is Your Ticket to Networking Success
When it comes to networking, nothing compares to a face to face event, attracting some of the most influential names in your industry.
Find out how the 2019 Developing Northern Australia Conference can be your opportunity to increase your connections, improve your career standing and advance Australia’s north.
Meet with Keynote Speakers
During meal breaks and at the networking function, you will have the opportunity to connect with this year’s conference keynote speakers. Representing a range of organisations, government departments and institutes, these influential speakers will be covering a range of topics, including agriculture, resources, trade and Indigenous prosperity.
Last year’s keynote speakers:
Cr Peter Long, Mayor, City of Karratha
Dr Blaze Kwaymullina, Director, Our Country & North Western Alliance
Ms Cissy Gore-Birch, Chairperson, North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA)
Prof Grant Stanley, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), CQUniversity
Dr Chris Chilcott, CSIRO A/Science Director for Land and Water, Research Leader for Northern Australia, Project Director Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment (NAWRA)
Ms Sue Middleton, Board Member, Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) and Regional, Rural and Remote Women’s Network of WA
Mr Ivan Vella, Managing Director, Port, Rail & Core Services, Rio Tinto Iron Ore
Alannah MacTiernan MLC, Minister for Regional Development; Agriculture and Food; Ports, Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development, Jobs and Trade, Member for the North Metropolitan Region
Ms Sally-Ann Watts,General Manager ASEAN, and Senior Trade & Investment Commissioner, Jakarta, Australian Trade and Investment Commission.
Ms Annette Tilbrook, Executive Director, Australia-ASEAN Chamber of Commerce (AustChaem ASEAN)
Mr Peter Yu, Northern Australia Indigenous Reference Group
Hear Insight From Industry Professionals
Over 60 presenters will be covering a range of topics to include resources, land, water, energy, renewables, agribusiness, Northern Australian population strategy and industry sector opportunities. Combined these professionals will provide a powerful insight into the creation of a prosperous, sustainable future for Northern Australia.
For information snapshots, a 1.5-hour pecha kucha session will feature 7-minute presentations, each highlighting challenges, opportunities and developments taking place in their respective industry. You will gain a well-rounded view of the issues affecting northern Australia’s development, as well as hear insight into the solutions being implemented.
Discover the Latest Innovations with Exhibitors

Enjoy tea and coffee while connecting face-to-face with company representatives at their exhibitor stands. You have the opportunity to enjoy networking while discovering the latest innovations and projects taking place with companies working in Australia’s northern regions.
Exhibitors at the 2019 Developing Northern Australia Conference include:
City of Karratha (also this year’s Conference Sponsor)
Geoscience Australia
JCU Connect
My Potentia
NESP NAER Hub – Charles Darwin University
Office of Northern Australia
Pilbara Regional Chambers
Pilbara Solar
Rio Tinto
Town of Port Hedland
Westpac Banking Corporation
Woodside Energy
Increase Your Network of Professionals Vested in Advancing Northern Australia
Of course, one of the advantages of attending the 2019 Developing Northern Australia Conference is to not only increase your network of influential professionals, but also to have the opportunity to network with like-minded attendees. Debrief on ideas, presentations and find out more about the work others are doing to advance northern Australia. Chances are, you’ll be able to connect with a colleague or two for potential future partnerships or collaborations.